Post by Jasper Hale on Nov 17, 2008 20:27:59 GMT -8
Jasper {Whitlock} Hale
Basic Information
Name: Jasper Hale (born Jasper Whitlock)
Apparent Age: 20
Actual Age: 145
Diet: Vegetarian
Clan: Cullen
Physical Description: Jasper stands at around six feet, three inches tall in a muscular yet lean body. His hair rests just over his ears – shining with a glossy blonde hue – just like how it was back when he was a Texan in the confederate army. Even if he doesn’t take much time to organize his hair, it mages to hold a mildly wavy and very clean yet naturally messy appearance. His skin shines with an almost eerie whiteness, like all vampires, which sparkles in the sun – like stone. His perfect skin is obscured in several places upon his body. Neck, arms, back, and basically anywhere that they could reach, is covered with crescent moons. These crescent moons are all from the days when he was a newborn fighting along side the many other newborns for Maria’s territory in Monterrey. Though these scars maybe his prominent feature to vampires, they are nearly impossible to see to the human eye. They give Jasper an overall rugged look that he normally covers with long sleeves – even though he doesn’t go out of his way to hide them.
Since he was turned back in the 1860s, he has become more beautiful then his normal human self. His face carries more gentle angles, skin perfectly clear, hair always glossy, and overall carries himself with a higher elegance then the average human. Though his grace level doesn’t even touch Alice’s natural movement – that he believes she had back when she was a human – he still carries a far amount of natural flow in his movements.
Like all vegetarian vampires, his eyes glow gold when he’s recently fed upon animal blood. His eyes darken into an icky brownish-black when his thirst rises to critical levels. Light “bruises” eye under each eye, distorting his perfect flesh – making him truly look like a vampire. His face is normally calm with a distant expression…and yes, he lets Alice dress him, because it gives her such great delight which he just loves to feel radiate off her.
Celebrity Face: Heath Ledger
Personality: The first impression of Jasper is generally a negative one. He comes off cold and distant. This trait comes all the way back to when he was a human – which sort of gradates into his vampire life. Jasper has a very analytical and military mindset – thanks to having to organize newborns and fight along side them when he was younger. Jasper has a heavy conscious on what is right and wrong, and never doubles back on his own decisions. Even through all this coldness, Jasper carries a very warm and loving side to him. This is entirely brought out by little Alice. Though their romance is kept like a treasure to them – something they don’t share much with anyone – it doesn’t put a damper on how much he loves her. They’ve been formally married only once in their life together, while the other Cullens/Hales have been married whenever they move.
Back when Jasper was a human, he was naturally very charismatic and charming – making many admire his very being. Even though Jasper has a very strong and useful power, he never abuses it. His intuitive thought process finds joy in making people happy and soothing those who are uneasy around him. Jasper, unlike when he was a human, enjoys being more in the background. He does make his thoughts known, when he feels necessary, but will never go out of his way to push himself into the center of attention.
Jasper is a man of values. He doesn’t like looking back at what he believes in and reevaluating, unless absolutely necessary. When he went from training newborns to being in a small coven with his friends, to separating from them, to finding Alice, to finding the Cullens, he did not once feel safe. He leans heavily on what he believes in, and without it, he feels lost.
Strengths: Jasper’s main strength – other then his power – is his past. Unlike many vampires, he knows all about how to handle, defeat, and even train newborns. His experience fighting in the Civil War only helps his skill level. Another one of Jasper’s strengths is a good sense of right and wrong. Though he has been wrong in the past, he feels as though – as time passes – he keeps getting more and more right in his life. Jasper is a very passionate man which both works for and against him. Though he is deathly silent at times, he tends to be more opinionated then many would assume.
Weaknesses: Jasper’s main weakness is Alice. He would so easily give his life just to keep her safe. He is also very dependant on his core beliefs – feeling lost without that dependant barrier between him and reality. Jasper is also weak to the smell of human blood – very weak to be more specific. Unlike the other vampires who smell differences in every humans blood, they are all as desirable and all exactly the same…all as tempting. Jasper has had – and is still having – a hard time conforming to the new lifestyle of the Cullens, even though he’s been at it for a few years. He still isn’t a fan of animal blood, but prefers it, since it costs him way less pain. His family is another weakness of his. Other than Alice, he would also give his life for any of the other Cullens, which he has grown quite fond of, over time.
Special Abilities: As a human, Jasper was always really in-tune with the emotions and mind-set of everyone around him. This was especially tested during the Civil War, where he quickly rose in the ranks – thanks to his superiors automatically feeling trusting of him. Empathy – which is part of his power – is what controls his mood. If the room around him is depressed, he feels depressed, unless he uses his power to cheer them up, which in turn cheers him up.
History: Jasper Whitlock was born in Texas in 1843. As the South and North began to have their differences, he joined the Confederate army in 1861, after he turned 18. Jasper quickly rose in the ranks within the army – for all his superiors automatically found a strong trust and reliance in the young man. Not really understanding this odd luck he had, he continued fighting and enjoyed it. He liked the rank and order of it all, and quickly found himself in charge of more and more people.
Until 1863.
Now 20, Jasper was walking along the street at night, just taking a break. There was no immediate combat in the area, so there was little risk in the gesture. As he wandered, he saw a group of young women coming closer to him in the distance. They were all so…beautiful. Unlike anything he had ever seen before. Their unworldly beauty was almost hypnotizing him, as they chattered about his own fate in low voices.
One of the girls then approached him, eyeing the rank upon his shoulder, before deciding that she needed someone like him, and pulled him in for what he thought was a kiss. That was no kiss. The venom burned through his veins for three days, until it finally recessed back, forcing his red eyes open to the vampire that had turned him – Maria.
He quickly learned that Maria was building an army of people like him – newborns. This was to claim territory in Monterrey. Jasper fought along side thousands of newborn vampires – the fights brutal and horrific…but he kept fighting. The newborns by his side kept changing, as they died at the hands of those who they fought, or grew to old for use of Maria. As Jasper aged, however, Maria became fond of him, and kept him to help her train the newborns into combat. The newborns seemed to automatically take to Jasper and listen and follow his every command, as Maria watched with approving eyes.
As the newborns aged beyond their powerful usage, it was Jasper’s responsibility to take them out – which of course he would do…he would do anything for Maria.
A century passed, and he witnessed something that would forever change him. Peter, who worked along side him, had fallen in love with one of the newborns – Charlotte. She had outgrown her usage and it was time to kill her…but Peter couldn’t bring himself to do it. Since Jasper had already been growing weary of this repetitious and horrific lifestyle, Peter’s pleading to runaway with them fell upon welcoming ears.
Jasper abandoned Maria, and ran with his new found friends. For a time, life was good. Whenever he fed though, he would feel the sheer fear and horror of his victims…and he couldn’t bring himself to do that anymore. He left Peter and Charlotte to try to figure it all out. He tried not feeding, but that only made his desire for blood even greater and the emotions he experienced even more horrifying.
That’s when he met Alice.
It was in a half-empty diner in the middle of Philadelphia. The rather small and pixie featured girl complained that he was late, though he had never seen her before in his entire life. Being the Southern gentleman that he is, he automatically apologized. She explained how she had seen them meet, then they would go seek out the Cullen family for a peaceful and fulfilling lifestyle.
He of course followed, meeting the Cullens and taking some difficulty to conforming to their rather unusual lifestyle. Jasper goes by “Hale” instead of Whitlock or Cullen, since he pretends to be the twin-brother of Rosalie Hale – who like Alice, Emmet, and Edward, play the adopted children of Carlisle and Esme.
Life continued on in Forks, Washington with his new family for awhile. He was pretending to be a high school student along side the rest of the Cullen clan, slowly trying to support this new way of life. Jasper still isn’t quite 100% comfortable with feeding on animals, and still finds humans quite tempting…but is slowly getting there.
After a few years of conforming to this way of life, a girl walked into his adopted brother’s life. Isabella Swan. At first Edward hated her for tempting him to feed off humans again – because her blood smelled irresistible to Edward. But then something changed.
The vampire grew protective over the girl, eventually leading her to figure out his family’s secret. That girl was nothing but trouble…but she was likeable at the same time. Jasper watched her from afar as both Alice and Edward grew closer to her.
It all went to hell when to hell when the Cullens decided to go play baseball during a thunderstorm. During the game another coven of vampires moves in – their leader seeming accepting of Bella, while James – the tracker of the group – really wanted to drink her blood.
After escaping the wanting mouth of James, Jasper found himself in Phoenix, Arizona. With Bella unconscious in another room, he and Alice were to keep watch over her. Seemed simple enough. Alice could see whenever James would want to attack – so what was the trouble?
In the end, Bella ended up giving herself up to James in an old dance studio, forcing Edward to force self control like Jasper had never witnessed. Edward sucked out the venom, without going crazy and draining Bella.
With a prom to end the year, Jasper later heard of Bella’s wishes that Edward would change her into a vampire. Edward had refused. Good man.
Later that year, the Cullens threw a birthday party for Bella. Jasper had watched and helped Alice with the decorations, always loving the emotions she gave off when she did something she loved – like decorating their expansive house.
She had managed to set everything up…expect the unexpected.
While unwrapping a gift, Bella gave herself a paper cut.
Jasper, still being new to the whole concept of drinking animal blood, rather than human, lost control. He could feel that hot burning in the back of his throat and the pure desire run through him. Technically he lost control – for he had no wish to harm Bella. She was a delightful girl…
That still didn’t stop him. His jaws were only a small distance from her neck as the others pulled him off and dragged him away.
Shame filled Jasper as he finally regained control – but thankfully Alice was there to help him and bring him back to his normal self.
It was only a short while later that he and Alice left – as did the rest of the Cullen family. Edward had decided that their presence in Bella’s life was too dangerous – breaking the poor thing’s heart.
Studying Philosophy at Cornell University while the rest of the Cullens dispersed, lasted nearly a year. It was when Alice saw Bella jumping off a cliff, that it all really hit the fan…again. Apparently Bella had been jumping for “fun” which led Edward to still believe she was killing herself and it was too late, which led to lots of fun with him willing to kill himself. With an epic battle that he did not attend with the Volturi, Edward was saved by Bella for once, and all the Cullens returned to their estate back in Forks. With a vote from everyone, minus Edward, it was decided that Bella would be turned into a vampire.
With the murder rate in Seattle rising, and a vision of Victoria back in the area, the vampires and werewolves come together to get ready for the hoard. The job of teaching everyone how to fight is thrust upon Jasper, thanks to his past.
Jasper brings everyone – including werewolves – to the very area where they had been playing baseball and met Victoria in the first place. He demonstrates techniques and overall how to deal with newborns.
This lead to the battle that turned Bella. Jasper had slight difficulty while fighting, since he tried to cover Alice, while fighting his own share – even if she could take care of herself, he didn’t want any blood-eyed newborn even setting a single tooth on her.
With the battle drawing a close, the werewolves suddenly turned on the vampires – Jasper automatically putting himself between them and Alice. Her power could not touch them – so she couldn’t see what was coming. The poor thing was blind. As he tried to fend off the vampires, he called back to see if she could see something…anything.
By the time it was understood what happened, he and the rest of the Cullens were at Bella’s side as the venom consumed her past the point where it could be removed. Plans were quickly made and the Cullens moved to an old castle in Worcestershire to where they could control Bella in a safe environment without risking people she would know walking by – a risk that still was present in Alaska.
Now Jasper watches over Bella – being the resident expert on newborns, attempting to control her strong emotions and desires with his power.
Sample RP: They would be here at any moment. Edward was bringing Bella to a birthday party – which of course she didn’t want – at the Cullens house, so they could properly wish her a happy birthday – which of course she didn’t want – and shower her with gifts…which she didn’t want. Not bothering to question why they were forcing something on her that she didn’t want, Jasper silently watched his love dance around the mansion. Alice was always fond of decorating and making things look pretty. And she was really good at it. He gave her a helping hand whenever she requested or needed it – but she loved to mostly do it on her own. Never growing tired does have its benefits. Watching Alice arrange flowers, Jasper caught the sight of Rosalie scowling down at Alice’s exuberance. Even though she was his ‘twin sister’, he never really understood why she hated Bella so much. Well…he understood, but the time it had lasted was just ridiculous. It was obvious that Edward was happy. Bella was happy. Alice was happy – which made Jasper happy. Emmett adored Bella – and simply had almost too much fun teasing her. Carlisle thought her to be a delightful girl and was happy that Edward happy. Esme loved everybody – it was just her nature. So why not Rosalie?
As Esme came down the stairs with Carlisle on her train, giving Alice a hand that Jasper couldn’t exactly help with. Decorating advice. Sure, he had an opinion of ugly and pretty, but Esme and Alice together were scary. It was like they became one unstoppable decorating unit.
A car was pulling in.
Everyone ran into their positions, which took a fraction of a second.
The door opened, Edward beaming with Bella on his arm. Ever since Jasper met Edward, he always wished for the fellow vampire to find his Alice. Someone he could connect with on a level that everyone else in the house already had. Even though Edward would never admit it, Jasper could always feels a pang of jealously whenever he saw Rosalie tackle Emmett into a room, or Carlisle and Esme got married for the forty-second time. Making the room into a calm, relaxing, and over happy environment, he gave a nod to Bella when she shot a gaze at him – relaxing slightly as Alice found her way to his side.
The night continued fairly smoothly…until it came to presents. Why no one thought of this – including Jasper – would probably haunt the vampire forever. In Bella’s classic style, he managed to hurt herself in a situation that wouldn’t hurt 97% of the human population.
She gave herself a paper cut.
A minor injury, yes – but there was a catch. Blood was involved. Jasper wasn’t so good with human blood…still. He was the newest out of all the vegetarians in the house, and felt that weight greatly…especially when the second that the crimson bubble appeared atop her finger. As she murmured something that was something along the lines of ‘oh damn’, ‘shoot’, or ‘dang it’, Jasper felt something inside him snap.
The entire house seemed to swirl before him, as he was suddenly intensely aware of her heart beating, the blood that flowed through her body…and the bloody that was right there. His mind went black as he sprang, feeling hands automatically grab him. He didn’t fight them, but he didn’t go with them either. The pain of smelling the blood lit his eyes with a fiery anger and pain, as he worked his way to Bella. Her face grew close to his, just as a tug pulled him back. He had been so close…
Alice and the other managed to pull him upstairs and snap some sense into him. Jasper tried to calm the people down around him, as he calmed himself. Taking a few deep breaths, he looked up at Alice with broken eyes. Guilt coursed through the vampire, as he watched her.
“I’m so sorry,” he apologized, even though it wasn’t her he almost just killed, “Someday I’ll have control,” he pulled his knees close to his chest, “Thank you for not letting me kill her…”
Other Characters: Nøne.
Anything Else: Nope
Where You Found Us: Made ya ^^